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Microcap Millionaires

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User reviews of Microcap Millionaires

Name: Ten01
Score: 96%
Review: September 25, 2009
I use microcap millionaires for my penny stock picks. It is pretty good. You can watch a youtube video about it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jVMXdu_Zr8&layer_token=85cda4a9016cf52a
Before you start Microcap Millionaires
There will be post of actual results. both good and bad of the stock picks.

Name: Clayton
Score: 40%
Review: After trying out his service I was not very impressed. His website really hypes you up but in the end it failed to deliver. The 49.00 is not justified with so many other stock services charging less. Matt does answer emails but can be rude at times. Out of the 4 picks that he gave for the month 1 was closed out at the end of the month. I am not saying the other picks won't do well but they mat be a couple of months away from breaking out. The 4 picks for the month of Aug were chb, mesa, ta, and some pink sheet stock that did nothing... I found that there are better services for less money and better customer service. Sorry Matt I gave your service a C which means average. I would say try his service and you will see.